Thursday, January 29, 2009


I really screwed up. No focus. Forgetting Master Torch. Don't look for me.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Master Torch requested that I write this post, because I made a mistake. Well, actually 3 mistakes. Master Torch has a restriction to my speech in place. I can not speak words more than 5 letters in open chat or I get shocked. And if I get shocked, Master Torch usually has an additional punishment or task in reserve.

A couple of nights ago I was hanging out with my buddy BJ, and we were just talking. I got so involved in the conversation I accidentally said a word that was too long, and I got shocked. Master Torch wasn't around, but he hears everything. If I don't report the problem to him, he will usually find out anyway and things will be much worse. So I reported that the next day. Then he was having me play with a boy I just met. Again, I sort of forgot myself, got involved, and ended up with 2 problems with the shocks. Sigh.

I told Master Torch I was very sorry that I lost my focus, both when talking to BJ and with the boy. He decided, being such a generous Master, instead of punishing me he would have me write to other subs about the importance of focus. The easy thing is if you don't have focus, you get bad photos like the one of me on this page. That's funny, but it's not what he was talking about.

Focus is very very important, because you are responsible for following all of your Master's or Mistresses' wishes. In return, Master Torch loves, protects, and in general makes sure I have a pretty wonderful life with him. If there is not focus, you will slip. It might be something that causes little harm like me saying words that are too long. However, it could always be something much larger and result in harm to your Master or Mistress, or embarrassment or a misunderstanding.

The best way to avoid this is to always be at your best and always focus. Concentrate fully on your Master or Mistress and their wishes and their needs. A great sub concentrates, anticipates, and executes. These all require focus. A vigilant sub is a happy sub. Take it from me.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Open Collar

In this photo of me you can see my leather collar with the shiny gold buckles that match my blonde hair. The collar is an open collar. It's from a project to create open source collars in Second Life that are available to all and modifiable by anyone. I do think it's an excellent project and makes quality Master and sub play available to almost anyone in Second Life.

You may think a free collar would skimp on quality, but primarily because this is an open source community project, the open collar rivals any of the other best collars on the market. It has a very easy to use touch menu and doesn't skimp on its support for the Restrained Life Viewer (RLV).

You can pick up your own open collar by heading to the Open Collar Headquarters ( and selecting from the great choices of designs. I have a very simple black leather collar made a bit more elegant with the gold buckle. There are designs that look equally outstanding on either male or female subs and slaves. While you are there be sure and check out the growing number of other items that use open collar scripts. You won't be disappointed. My buddy Osmik wears one, too.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Choices I Get to Make

Master Torch has a set of rooms that float in the sky that he shares with me at special times. There is a central room to what he has built and then doors to additional rooms on each of the 4 walls. Just a few days ago Master Torch took me to the center room, had me spin around until I was a bit dizzy and then asked me to choose a door.

I chose one - they all looked the same to me - and behind that door was a variety of bdsm equipment which always makes me smile. He asked me to choose one piece of equipment, and I chose the St. Andrews Cross. We had a great time from that point on, and I won't bore you with the details.

I will tell you that Master Torch built the excitement incredibly by letting me know the whole experience was for my pleasure and out of his love for me. Occasionally he would control my vision so I could only see what was directly ahead of me and could not track his every movement. He can tease a bit as well to slow things down and create anticipation. When it was all over I was a bit sore but incredibly happy and ready to face any challenges to come from Master Torch.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Master Torch

I will start my blog about my adventures in the place called Second Life in the best way I know how, talking about my Master Torch. I submit freely to him, and he owns my collar. I will serve him and follow all requests he makes of me. In return Master Torch loves, protects, and challenges me to make myself better. He has put my submissive heart at rest.

After I began to figure out I needed someone to guide me and control me, I began to look around for who could take on this task. A couple of times I thought I had found the person, but things weren't quite right. Although I really had no part in first giving control to Master Torch, I soon realized I had found my ultimate Master.

Master Torch is strong, firm and strict, but he also is loving and generous with support always having my best interests in his heart and mind. I now freely submit to him and would not wish to be anywhere else than kneeling before him or standing quietly by his side. Keep reading and you will hear much more about my amazing Master.